Humane Education


Adoptable Animals

Dogs of WIPBR

Humane Education


This page is all about the pits making a difference in society!
Sadly, too many people in this country are quite afraid of the term "pit bull". Out society has taken this breed and turned them into the "bad" breed. Casting them in movies and TV shows as vicious killers, out only for blood.

It is a representation that WIPBR is out to diminish. We try to get these dogs out into the community as much as possible. We visit schools and talk about "Bad Rap Dogs", we gladly visit shelters and talk to staff and the general public, we also spend lots of time in the local pet supply stores that are dog-friendly. We take time to answer questions, talk about the breed, and provide information about the dogs.

If you are interested in having us come talk to a class or shelter, please email us and we would be more than happy to set up a time and date!

Deuce posing with a 5th grade student.
Deuce getting an over-the-back hug from a student.
Weezee LOVES having her neck scratched by the kids!
Weezee watches the kids during a Q&A session.
Deuce showing how well he can "dance" for a treat.
Weezee "grinning" from all the attention she was getting.
Deuce couldn't decide who to kiss next!